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InsertFunnyUserName's News

Posted by InsertFunnyUserName - February 1st, 2010

This is the FAQ for my writing mechanics help thread in the writing forum. This will be under construction for as long as the thread's open. I'll add to it as questions are answered.

A few helpful links...
- http://www.rhymezone.com/
- http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/
- http://www.edufind.com/english/grammar /grammar_topics.php
- http://www.amazon.com/Elements-Style-F ourth-William-Strunk/dp/020530902X
- http://www.amazon.com/Writers-Referenc e-2009-Update-i-cite/dp/0312627440/ref =ntt_at_ep_dpi_1
- http://dictionary.reference.com/
- http://thesaurus.reference.com/


Q: Are there instances where I don't have to use proper grammar?
A: Of course! Now, that seems like some odd advice to get from a grammar FAQ, but the truth is, no one speaks, thinks, reminisces or tells you an oral story in completely perfect grammar. Listen to people talk. Their speech is full of fragments, run-on sentences, incorrect conjugations and all those other fun things you get graded down for in school.

In fact, in some places, if you stick to the rules, it rips the personality right out of the story. The most common instance is dialog. Think, what toddler knows the difference between "nor" and "or? What drunkard has a perfect memory of conjugations? When does a character who can barely speak English have a solid grip on English grammar? If the infraction fits the personality, then use it, but if doesn't, then don't.

You can also break some laws if your story or poem is meant to be your character's voice, but that's a bit risky. Remember, there's a fine line between purposeful infractions and just bad writing. But feel free to play around. See how it comes out.

Q: How on earth do I use a semicolon?
A: "Semicolon is used with a compound sentence when there is no conjuction to join them... Then there is also the glorified comma. If you're making a list and you need to separate the items but they already have punctuation, the semi-colon can further clarify. You'll also use a semi colon when there is a conjuctive adverb (an adverb that acts as a conjuction)." - Deathcon7

Note: a semicolon does not make two fragments into a complete sentence. It joins two or more structurally complete sentences. That means both halves have to have a subject, a verb and, if necessary, an object.

Q: When do I use "to" and when do I use "too?"
A: There are many instances where you would use "to," but only two where you would use "too."

"Too" can be used to indicate that something is included. In other words, it's a replacement for "as well."

Ex: "Mark's speedy recovery means that he can go, too."
Mark is included in the group that can go shopping.
Ex: "In the mid 1980's, after further investigation, the epidemiologists discovered hemophiliacs, too, were experiencing a widespread AIDS epidemic."
Hemophiliacs are included in the list of demographics experiencing widespread HIV. A grim example, I know, but a good instance of "too" in a more complex sentence structure.

It's also used to mean that there's a negative excess of something.

Ex: "These curtains have too much brown in them for my liking."
What is their an excess of? Brown.
Ex: "There are too many people in here."
What is their an excess of? People.

In all other instances, you would use "to."

Q: Are "afterward" and "afterwards" interchangeable?"
A: Yes

Q: So, I'm quoting someone, but for the sake of clarity I want to replace a word. How do I do that?
A: Your answer is bracket text.

Ex: ""Weighing over 300 pounds, [William Howard Taft] was the heaviest U.S. president in history."
Here, the proper noun William Howard Taft is replacing the original pronoun, "he."

Note: You wouldn't leave the pronoun in as well. Bracket text is a replacement.


This is also where I'm storing my character development outline because I have nowhere else to put it. It's not grammar, but it's related to write, so fuh. Some of it is written by me, but some of it is not.

Character's name:
--- Reason for name:
--- Character's feelings about name:
--- Reason for nickname:
--- Character's feeling about name:
--- Appears:

Eye color:
Glasses or contacts:
--- Desired weight:
--- Has this always been this way?:
Body build:
Skin tone:
Shape of face:
Distinguishing marks:
--- How the character acquired them:
--- How the character acquired them:
Hair color:
Hair type:
Hair style:
Desired appearance:
--- Why?
Is s/he healthy?:
--- If not, why:
------- Length of time character has had this problem:
------- Measures (if any) that character takes to improve health:
--- Character's opinion on his/her own health:
------- Has the character's opinion changed over time?:
----------- Why or why not?:
--- How character's health/lack of health affects his/her life:
------- Has it always been this way?:
--- Other characters' feelings about character's health
------- Has it always been this way?:
--- Medications/drugs:
------- Character acquires these by (prescribed, over-the-counter, illicit, etc):

Favorite color:
LF color:
Favorite music:
LF music:
Favorite food:
Favorite literature:
--- Origin of expressions:
Mode of transportation:
Daredevil or cautious?:
--- Why?

Smokes or drinks?:
--- How much?
------- Why?
--- Why?
--- How character became interested in these hobbies:

--- Quality of life in hometown:
--- Social/political issues in hometown at the time:
Type of childhood:
--- Access to technology:
--- Access to medical care:
--- Access to education:
--- Relationship with parents:
--- Favorite activities:
--- Interests:
--- Social situation:
--- Childhood friends:
--- Childhood crushes:
--- School (grade school):
------- What was this school like?:
------- Social status of character:
--- Did character face discrimination?:
------- Why or why not?:
------- If so, how did character react to this?:
--- Did the character move at any time?:
------- If so, why?
------- Character's feelings on this at the time:
------- Character's feelings on this now:
--- What character wanted to be when s/he grew up:
------- Why?:
First memory:
--- Does anyone know?:
------- If not, why not?:
--- Impact of memory on character's actions/feelings:
Most important childhood event:
--- Does anyone know?:
------- If not, why not?:
--- Impact of event on character's actions/feelings:
Level of education:
Religion as a child:
--- Why?
Religion now:
--- Why?
--- If there was a change, why?
------- How do other characters feel about this?
Childhood socioeconomic status:
--- How did this impact character's life:
------- Why?
Socioeconomic status now:
--- How does this impact character's life:
------- Why?
--- If there was a change, why?
--- Character's desired class:
--- What character is doing to change class (if anything):

--- Character's current relationship with mother:
------- Why?:
--- Mother's personality traits:
------- How did/does this impact character?
--- Character's current relationship with father:
------- Why?:
--- Father's personality traits:
------- How did/does this impact character?
--- Character's current relationship with siblings:
------- Why?:
--- Siblings' personality traits:
------- Impact on character:
Extended family:
--- Character's current relationship with extended family:
------- Why?:

Most at ease when:
--- Why?:
--- Has this always been the case?:
------- If not, what caused the change?:
Ill at ease when:
--- Why?:
--- Has this always been the case?:
------- If not, what caused the change?:
--- Affect on character's life/actions:
--- Why?:
--- Current politics:
--- Drugs:
--- Smoking and drinking:
--- Economics:
--- The environment:
--- Society:
--- Personal health:
--- Social status:
--- Gender:
--- Race:
--- Manners:
--- Child care:
--- Violence:
--- Entertainment:
--- Education:
--- Science:
--- Poverty:
--- Philosophy:
How s/he feels about self:
--- Impact on actions:
Past failure s/he is embarrassed about:
--- Why?:
--- Impact on actions:
If granted one wish:
--- Why?
--- Has this always been the case?:

Greatest strength in personality:
--- Impact on life:
Greatest weakness in personality:
--- Impact on life:
Soft spot:
--- Why?
--- Obvious?
------- Why or why not:
Biggest vulnerability:
--- Why?
--- Impact on life/actions:
--- Obvious?

Optimist or pessimist:
--- Why?:
--- Impact on life:
Introvert or extrovert:
--- Why?:
--- Impact on life:
Drives and motivations:
--- Contributing factors to these motivations:
--- Why?:
--- How these talents help character:
Extremely skilled at:
--- Wants to be skilled at:
------- How will character achieve this?:
Extremely unskilled at:
--- Feelings about this:
--- How would character change this?:
Good characteristics:
--- Characteristics character desires:
------- How will character achieve this?:
Bad characteristics/character flaws:
--- Feelings about this:
--- How would character change this?:
--- Where did character get them from?
--- Where did character get them from?
--- Character's feeling on this:
Biggest regret:
--- Impact on life/actions:
Minor regrets:
--- Impact:
Biggest accomplishment:
--- Feelings on this:
Minor accomplishments:
--- Feelings on these:
Darkest secret:
--- Anyone know:
--- Did character tell them:

How s/he would describe self:
Considers best physical characteristic:
--- Realistic?:
Considers worst physical characteristic:
--- Realistic?:
Thinks others perceive him/her:
Four things character would like to change about self and why:
--- 1
--- 2
--- 3
--- 4
--- If number one was changed, would character be happy?

Interrelation with others:
Relates to others:
--- Strangers:
--- Friends:
--- Wife/husband/lover:
--- Hero/heroine:
--- Views hero/heroine:
Readers' first impression of character:
--- Why:
--- How does this impact the story?:
--- What changes this perception:
What do family/friends like most about this character:
--- Why?
--- Impact on how they treat him/her:
What do they like least:
--- Why?
--- Impact on how they treat him/her:

Immediate goals:
Long-range goals:
How s/he plans to accomplish these goals:
With other characters be affected:
Current problems/crises:
--- What caused these?
--- How does character plan to address these problems?:
Reacts in a crisis:
--- Why?
Faces problems:
--- Why?
Problems s/he usually runs into:
Reacts to new problems:
--- Factors that contribute to this:
Reacts to change:
--- Factors that contribute to this:

--- Does character like the job?
--- Income:
--- Relationship with boss:
--- Dream job:
------- Why?:
Favorite clothing:
LF clothing:
Jewelry/other accessories:
--- Political issues of area:
--- Quality of life of area:
--- Impact on character's life/actions:
--- Living arrangements:
--- Neighbors:
--- Access to medical care:
--- Access to education:
--- Access to technology:
Wants to live:
--- Why?
Spending habits:
--- Where did character get these from?
Does too much of:
--- Why?:
--- Impact:
Does too little of:
--- Why?:
--- Impact:
Most prized possession:
--- Why?
--- Where did character get it from?
Person most influenced by:
--- Why?
--- Relationship with person:
Most important person in life (before story starts)
--- Impact:
Sexual orientation:
--- Impact on:
------- Life:
------- Friendships:
------- Family:

This is a shortened version of the above that I cut down for the development of secondary characters.

Character's name:
Body build:
Skin tone:
Hair color/type/style:
Is s/he healthy?:
--- If not, why:
--- How character's health/lack of health affects his/her life:
Daredevil or cautious?:
--- Why?
--- Quality of life in hometown:
--- Social/political issues in hometown at the time:
--- Did character face discrimination?:
--- What character wanted to be when s/he grew up:
Most important childhood event:
--- Impact of event on character's actions/feelings:
Level of education:
Childhood socioeconomic status:
--- How did this impact character's life:
Socioeconomic status now:
Most at ease when:
Ill at ease when:
How s/he feels about self:
Past failure s/he is embarrassed about:
If granted one wish:
Greatest strength in personality:
Greatest weakness in personality:
Optimist or pessimist:
Introvert or extrovert:
Drives and motivations:
Extremely unskilled at:
Good characteristics:
Bad characteristics/character flaws:
How s/he would describe self:
One thing character would like to change about self and why:
Reacts in a crisis:
Faces problems:
Problems s/he usually runs into:
--- Political issues of area:
--- Quality of life of area:
--- Living arrangements:
Spending habits:
Does too much of:
Does too little of:
Person most influenced by:

Posted by InsertFunnyUserName - January 30th, 2010

This is the index for my writing. Comments are disabled on this blog, so post any comments in the respective threads.

Please, please, please give me feedback. Even if it's something as small as a single awkward sentence, let me know. Give me something.

A note: The chapters weren't written in parts, so don't read them as though they are. Read them as full chapters broken up by character limits.

Chapter 1: "Sterile"
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Chapter 2: "Shattered"
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Chapter 3: "The Prisoner and the Refugee"
Part 1
Part 2
Chapter 4: "The Zookeeper"
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Short Stories
"The Snake in the Fruit Tree"
"The House of Cards"
"The Word Children"
-- Part 1
-- Part 2
"History in the Making"
-- Part 1
-- Part 2

Chapter 1: "Sunset"
-- Part 1
-- Part 2
-- Part 3

Posted by InsertFunnyUserName - January 2nd, 2010

Stone cold deceased.

Posted by InsertFunnyUserName - November 24th, 2009

I'd just like you all to know that you're dirty fucking sinners.

Posted by InsertFunnyUserName - October 11th, 2009

Closed. I'm not taking any more requests on this blog.

Just downloaded a shitload of new photoshop brushes that I want to break in, so I decided to start doing sig requests again. There are examples of previous sigs that I've made in my archeic art thread.

Be at least a little specific por favor.


- I do all my sigs in photoshop CS3. If you have questions/advice or you want to talk about photoshop techniques, don't be afraid to toss me a PM.

- My school is work intensive, so it may take a few days for me to get to your request.

- I will accept banner requests, userpage picture requests, user icon requests, and requests for sigs or banners for other websites. If you request a sig for another site, please give dimensions and filesize limitations. Failure to do this will result in your request not being filled. I am not doing flash or audio icons, nor am I doing desktops.

- Sig requests that don't give any more detail than "make me a sig" will be ignored.

- If you don't specify dimensions, although they often will be 599x50 and almost never will be shorter than 599, it is possible that the height may vary depending on design/filesize.

- Sig requests that are overly outlandish will be ignored. An example of this would be, "plz maek mee a zig with a superhero pig with an enormous erect penis having sex with Ron Pual in the missionary position on top of the White House whilst smoking pot and eating decaying tropical fruit. Much obliged." Although I'm sure some of you would love to have a sig like this, finding all of those specific images and putting them together in a quality fashion is extremely difficult and tedious.

- Sig requests for sigs that break BBS rules will be ignored. This means no requests for pornographic sigs. If I happen to make you a sig that breaks a rule I have forgotten about and it ends up being deleted (and/or repeated wearings of it get you banned), it's not my fault.

- At some point, I will stop completing requests. If your sig doesn't get made, I'm sorry about that, but you can always request a sig in the NGSM.

- Keep in mind that I can't do everything. If you're not happy with a sig that I've made for you, you can remake your request in the NGSM.

- Unless you're request breaks these guidelines, I will give it a go. However, please try to give me at least some details regarding what you want your sig to look like. Style specifics, color schemes, and/or images requests make my life much easier.

- If you don't give specifics on text, I will assume that you want your username in a style appropriate text and nothing else, omitting text that may be added for stylistic effect (ie. barcodes, etc).

- If you ask for a specific font, although it's not a must because I can always google it, it would be much appreciated if you either state that it's a default windows text or if you give a link to the font in question. Also keep in mind that there are thousands of fonts out there, so if you don't give a vague request for fonts, give an example. dafont.com is a great free font library. If you request a font that is from a paysite, then I will use a similar, free font.

- I'm pretty flexible, so if the sig I make you isn't what you wanted it to be, send me a PM with what changes you want made. But, be specific and try not to be too nitpicky. Unless it would be a relatively big improvement to the image, asking for things like moving an object two pixels to the left is pretty absurd. Also keep in mind that I will use my discretion on whether your requested change will actually improve the image. If I think the change will just make the image worse or if it's something I've already tried, I'll explain it to you and most likely not make the change.

- I know these guidelines are kind of a wall of text, but if you don't read them and end up breaking one of them, I won't make your request.

- Any initial requests must be userpage comments and any requests for changes must be PMs. Any initial requests made to me in stickam, through PMs, on MSN, or on the forums will be ignored until they're posted as a userpage comment.

- Please don't make a second userpage comment requesting a sig that you've already requested. Unlike the NGSM, I can see all of your requests on one page and I will be keeping track of which ones I've completed and which ones I haven't. You will be able to see on my userpage who's request has been filled and who's hasn't, so if you see that your comment has not been replied to and later comments have, it is because I'm still getting to yours (based on difficulty or requested priority). It is not because you've broken a guideline.

- If you need your sig request filled within a certain amount of time, please specify how soon and give a reason. If you don't give a reason, then I will just assume you are impatient and will get to your request when I get to it.

- You can make multiple requests, but only one at a time please.

- Being a friend doesn't give you priority.

- Please do not bother me via PM if your request hasn't been filled. If there is a reason why I'm not going to fill your request, I will reply to your userpage comment with the reason.

- If I've made a typo somewhere in this, let me know.



Posted by InsertFunnyUserName - September 23rd, 2009

Are Satan spawn. What disgusting fiends. Let us crusade against them.

Posted by InsertFunnyUserName - August 28th, 2009

Your statement is a logical fallacy.

Posted by InsertFunnyUserName - August 4th, 2009

Whatever you want.

Posted by InsertFunnyUserName - July 30th, 2009

Cure cancer.

Posted by InsertFunnyUserName - July 29th, 2009

