Want sex?
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Age 30
Selling heroin
Massachudfjdklasj dfl
Joined on 7/18/06
Want sex?
Why is my dick hard?
Because that's not a slideshow of pictures that you have of your sister's wedding on your computer screen, it's something very, very different.
What's a better way to die, Killed by Osama-Bin-Laden or stepping on a claymore.
Shot in the head by Osama whilst stepping upon said claymore.
Spell the longest used word in the English language, one that people actually use.
You have three minutes.
Lopadotemachoselachogaleokraniole ipsanodrimhypotrimmatosilphiopara omelitokatakechymenokichlepikossy phophattoperisteralektryonoptekep halliokigklopeleiolagoiosiraiobap hetraganopterygon
If you don't believe me, look it up on wiki.
What's your bra size? Do you sell ANY drug? What do you do on a saturday? Have you looked at my homepage? Do you think these Questions are annoying? What's your next flash? Have you ever seen Tom Fulp live? What the worst way to die? What's better: Blue Ray or HD? Is that you real hair color(blond)? Can you count to fifteen hundred? Have you ever thrown something at a teacher? if so, what?
Sit around, go on Ng, talk to people, and occasionally do stuff with friends.
I have.
Not really.
I'm not quite sure what it's going to be. I know it's headed somewhere and it's looking pretty good, but I'm not sure what that somewhere is.
I've never seen it in real life, but I've seen pictures.
Getting skinned alive takes my vote.
I've never tried Blu Ray, so I can't really judge.
Yes. My hair naturally platinum blond because of my albinism.
Yes, and I have.
Thanx slayer! that's what nice people!
Would you like to have AIDS?
Not particularly.
I've asked this to a few friends, I don't lose anything asking you
only if you're really a girl. if we were friends, got bored, had nothing to do and be probably alone, would you let me play with your boobs for a while? (you wouldn't have to take any clothes off)
I don't really care what you got to think of me, but I'd like to know the answer for my question
Yeah, sure, why not? I mean, it's not like they'll explode if you do.
Don't worry Insert I wuv albinos! And I wuv you. Also I have a few random questions I'm a lot like my curious friend Recolo.
Are eskimoes real? What does all this crazy stuff like XD, :D, >3 and all that. Do you realise that me and Slayer3751 are pedophiles. Do you prefer raspberry, blueberry or strawberry condoms? (I like them all) Ok that's all for 2day!
P.S. Applesauce rocks.
No, they're just a fragment of your imagination.
Half the people on here are pedophiles. :D
Blueberry, no comparison.
Applesauce is the shit. :3
to everyone:
go to my blog for hentai... or my alts blog... but if you go you have to comment!!!!
to ifun:
panda plushie? <.<
To Jaclyn: No comments. -_-
Question: Are we best friends?
Will you e-marry me? D:
If my farts had visible fumes, what color would they be other than green?
What is the most homosexual fruit in existence?
Why did people come up with Chuck Norris jokes and not Bruce Lee jokes or Arnold Schwartzeneggar jokes?
Steve Yzerman or Vincent Lecavalier?
Neon pink.
Kiwi. Really, that bitch came on to me.
Because they're infidels
Blaaaaah, hockey.
Anyway, anything interesting happen lately?
Nothing at all. Same old. HPV shots. Owwie.
Am i gonna get fooled again?
Do you really sell heroin at the age of 13?
Aha, no.
Am I drunk?
Do I like weed?
Why is weed weed?
If you died, would you be dead.
In TV shows, people ask where babies come from. They say something and the chid replies: "what's the machine for?" What is it for?
Why am I asking you so many questions.
Why is Heroine the best drug?
What's my real name?
If I put on a dress and called myself Sally, would I be someone else called Sally?
Do you like swearing?
Do I like swearing?
What is the meaning of life?
What is the meaning to me asking you all these questions?
Do you like watching vilaont things?
Am I done asking questions for a while?
When will you make a new post?
Because the bible says so.
Of course not, you silly.
It's a laugh track for comedic relief.
Because you're bored.
My favorite heroine was that girl from tomb raiders.
Ralph Wiggums Rigby.
No, but you'd be more of a woman that Hillary Clinton.
I'm neutral.
We all do, I think.
Probably not.
Either until I write Pet part five, until I get bored of this, or until I get a better idea.
Well, y must guys have nipples???
Because all human fetuses start out on a female template. Later on, a boy fetus will grow male features and his balls will drop, but he still retains the feminine trait of nipples.
It's just an aesthetic screw up of evolution.