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Age 30

Selling heroin

Massachudfjdklasj dfl

Joined on 7/18/06

Exp Points:
17,630 / 17,760
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8.15 votes
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Why do farts smell bad?

Why am I asking so many fart questions?

Why don't old people seem to have certain names like Blaine or Jorge?

Why don't non-rich people ever seem to have the names Winston or Quincy?

When are you going to draw the fat black asian redhead midget with corn rows, boxing gloves, a kilt, a leprechaun suit, a top hat, sunglasses, who is rollerblading, winking, and giving a thumbs up?

Because farts are made of pure Satan. True fact.

Why not?

Because they aren't good enough for it.

Because you have to pay $500 and the blood of a virgin to have a child with those names. Poor people just can't afford it.

When I run out of reasons not to do it. :D

Shots hurt. D:
What's HPV?

Human Pathaloma Virus.

It's that sexually transmitted cancer.

what is masturbation for you, not for wikipedia?
You are about to be sliced by Evil paper shreder
Do you a: get an Ice cream,
b:counter attack with a super awesome Wii-mote
c:Ask him to ask ou a question
What is a Miguel de Cervantez?
Who is the ex-president of Slovenija(the last one)? now dead


How many roads must a man walk down before goes on his knees crying like a baby about the pain in his feet?

A good way to pass time.

A, obviously.

He's a novelist, I believe.

Janez Jan%u0161a?

It depends on how much glass there is on the road.

Why was it that on April 2nd that eBaum's world like kinda took over Newgrounds and the banner up the top changed.

It was an April fools day joke.

Hi it's me again (the 1st question maniac). The questions are getting harder and harder to read, so can you copy these questions into your response, please.
Here's to day's list...

What's the best marital art? Why do you like sex so much? What are the other 52 posts about? Men or women? Why do so many people use this sign: <3? Do you ever think i will run out of question? At your school are you a pim, geek, nerd, a nobody or part of the chess club? What do you want to be when you grow up? What's your favourite charity? Favourite tv show? Favourite movie? Why are so many people copying my idea of putting so many questions in the one response?

What's the best martial art?
- Anything involving swords.

Why do you like sex so much?
- I like sex just as much as anyone else, it's just that I'm more comfortable talking about it.

What are the other 52 posts about?
- A bunch of stuff. Some of it's random, some of it's weird, some of it's stories, and some of it's just other stuff.

Men or women?
- Shemales.

Why do so many people use this sign: <3
- Because love is a grand thing.

Do you ever think I will run out of questions?
- I don't think so. There's always a new question to be asked, if you're creative enough.

At your school, are you a pim, geek, nerd, a nobody, or part of the chess club?
- Fucking pimp, man.

What do you want to be when you grow up?
- Either a musician, a graphic designer, or maybe a doctor.

What's your favorite charity?
- I don't have a favorite in particular.

Favorite TV show?
- House MD.

Favorite Movie?
- I don't know. What is my favorite movie?

Why are so many people copying my idea of putting so many questions in the one response?
- People are just lazy, I guess, and find it to be a good idea.

Sorry i meant pimp not pim in question 7

Ah. Heh.


Oh wait no girls on the internet.

If I wasn't a girl, where would I keep my pens?

Oh ok... pretty bad joke eh... Anyways a few random questions my question whore.

Ovaries or testicles?
Jim Carrey or Steve Carrell?
Penis or vagina? (excessive coarse language used due to curiosity)
Waffles or pancakes?
Applesauce or chocloate sauce?
And finally (there aren't choices for the answer of this question) the last question: what is the worst thing to say to someone?

Dools (horny little shit).

Testicles. They're fun to kick.

Jim Carrey.

Hmmm. Vagina.



"Hey, you're that guy that raped me a few years ago. Want to see my mental hospital discharge papers?"

When was your first Questions blog? How many hours do you go on newgrounds(a day)? Do you find chess an irratating game? Where is Massachuesetts? Ever played baseball? Have you ever real life sex? Do you like my homepage? What's the worst accident YOU have ever caused? Hate/Like Betty Baller? Has he(Betty Baller) ever spammed your page? Are you a sport girl or a social girl? Do you beleive in werewolves? Did you find newgrounds by yourself or did a friend tell you? What topic do you want for the next question maniac comment?

People look at my homepage! My blog is called "What's the worst way to die?" Please visit!!! Limited time only!!!

When was your first questions bog?
- October sixth of 07.

How many hours do you go on newgrounds a day?
- Too many.

Do you find chess an irritating game?
- Yes. It confuses me deeply.

Where is Massachusetts?
- It in New England, which is that long place jutting out of the eastern US. It's on the eastern coast north of Connecticut, east of New York, and south of New Hampshire and Vermont.

Ever played baseball?
- Well, I've played it casually in like gym and at camp and stuff, but never on a team or anything. I'm not really a sportsy person.

Have you ever had sex?
- No.

Do you like my homepage?
- Yeah.

What's the worst accident you've ever caused?
- Eh, they're all the same level of bad in my mind.

Do you hate or like Betty Baller?
- I'm guessing you mean the spam account of the person that used to have the account Betty. Meh, I don't care either way about spammers.

Has he ever spammed your page?
- Probably.

Are you a sport girl or a social girl?
- Like I said, I'm not into sports, but I wouldn't call myself a "social girl."

Do you believe in werewolves?
- Noes.

Do you find newgrounds by yourself, or did a friend tell you?
- My sister showed me the site back in like January of 06.

What topic do you want for the next question maniac comment?
- Anything. Use your imagination. :D

boobs or vagina?

Penis or Testicles?

I win dools



How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood if the wood it would chuck would be pine wood? What if it were oak? What about maple?

Is there anything hot sauce isn't good on?

Why do some foods smell like shit and taste terrific or taste like shit and smell delicious?

What the fuck is a chihuahua? Because that thing is NOT a dog, it's like a frigging rat.

Why does WoW suck?

Why did Billy choose to be a handyman?

Why the fuck did that damn nippley man eat my motorboat?

Who put the goat in there?

Why must I love the fish?

Don't you think I'm cool in tights?

None. The woodchuck went on strike due to being underpaid and overworked.


Because God is a sadistic whore who likes to screw with our senses.

I believe it's the reincarnation of Satan come to subvert us with annoying yapping noises.

God only knows.

Parental pressure.

My friend has a friend we call nipply boy, if that's any consolation.

I blame the Bush Administration.


You're damn sexy in those tights. Be proud of your manhood.

May I kiss your vagina?

No, you're sick. When my vagina gets sick, it throws up blood.

You have sexually transmitted cancer? D:
That sucks.

No, it's a shot to prevent sexually transmitted cancer.

SLAYER!!!! GRRRRRR!!! Anywayz inset thanks for answering my abnormal questions. I WUV U!!! So much!!! Also hilarious answer for the last question: what's the worst thing to ask someone? Your answer: "Hey, you're that guy that raped me a few years ago. Want to see my mental hospital discharge papers?" Oh... god you're hilarious... you have such a creative and expansive mind for someone of your age and you are extremely smart, I respect you. And yo are on ma list! I love your blogs, checking them is like now part of my daily routine. Anyway visit my page everyone cos I need more ideas for my flash and since you're so creative please insert contribute your ideas!!!

Dools (horny little shit) *Tee Hee*


^_____________^ <3

Dools you are such a suck up!! (this is an answer to the comment directly above)

This topic is called.... school

What's the worst subject? Why? What the best thing about high school? Is your school: girls only or unisex? if unisex, what does the mens changeroom smell of? What's the worst fight at school been? Has any person in you year been expelled? what subject is the best bludge subject(every class has one!)?

That's all for today!
Question Maniac

Eh, I can't really say that I hate any one subject in particular more than another. I find it's almost all up to the teacher to make the class good or bad. I think that there are no bad subject, just bad teachers.

I'm not in high school yet, but from my view, the best part of it is going to be the fact that you get a lot more respect. You're actually treated like you at least have some sort of personal responsibility.

My school is a coed middle school.

Never been in it.

My friend was in a fight with this other chick and she smashed this girl's face into the edge of a wall.

Eh, I wouldn't know. I don't hang around with the people who would get expelled.


Do you hate hippies too? lol

I love Lava lamps, tie die, and Crosby Stills Nash & Young too much to hate hippies.

DO you get much action sex wise?

I'm only thirteen, so no.

Lol Recolo... first off I am smarter than you so don't try to make a call against me cos you know I will counter it, secondly I am not a suck up but merely a kid with nothing to do but comment at people's pages asking them if they want to contribute towards my flash with their own ideas. And also you call yourself the question maniac, I think you would best be suited with: 'The curious pedophile.' Hmmmm I think it works! Anyway Insert you know that I am putting on an act, the only time someone needs to be a suck up is when you get a bad mark on your exam or some shit and you start kissing up to the teacher and start 'randomly' mentioning 'extra credit' for the previous exam. So recolo in future focus on your own comments and maybe not other people's especially seeing as it was'nt directed towards you.

Dools (notorious for long comments).

I like pencils.

I'm sorry


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