So, we have this research project in school and we have to write a huge long paper on a topic with interviews and everything. The topic can be anything. This whole research paper is something we're going to be working on in my English class for 12 weeks, so it needs to be something that I'm really interested in.
As long as, however, our parents sign off on it.
So the topic I settled on was BDSM acceptance; the way our society reacts to the BDSM community and the way the BDSM community reacts to the rest of society.
Now, upon telling them about my plans for this project, they did what I half expected them to do, which was not approving. They said they would "discuss" it.
Now, I'm not complaining about this. I understand their concerns, this is context.
We had an argument about it at dinner, how it might not be appropriate for me to look into, and so on. Not surprising and understandable. I'm still pushing for it, but that's beside the point.
During this conversation, I discovered how disapproving my parents actually were about BDSM in and of itself. My mom said, and I quote, "I watched this documentary and in one part, there was a scene that was depicting male bondage and I almost threw up."
I'm now thinking that bringing up this research topic was a pretty good idea because now I have some foreshadowing to how they're going to react when they actually do find out that I'm into BDSM.
I pretty much knew this was going to be the case, but I was hoping that it wouldn't be. That hope is dead now.
Three cheers for being a disappointment.