I hate angst and I hate apathy.
It's this idea that a lot of my peers seem to have that basically, "everything sucks and it's everybody else's fault and I'm not going to do anything about it because everything sucks too much". It's the misconception that you can make things better by bitching and moaning and sulking in sadness and hatred.
These people refuse to take any personal responsibility for their own happiness. They blame absolutely everything on other people and they always view themselves as the 100% innocent victim in a vain hope that it raise their self esteem when all it's doing is causing them dwell in hatred and self pity.
I want to slap these people and tell them to wake up.
I want to get it through to them that it's not our responsibility to make them happy, it's theirs. They're always blaming their unhappiness on other people when in reality, it's the hatred that they've built up inside of themselves that is making them unhappy in what seems to be a catch 22.
But it's not. There's only one way to make yourself happy and that's to get up off your ass and try. You don't have to do it alone, but for christ's sake, do something proactive for a change.
And stop believing and especially stop whining that no one understands you. Everyone gets unhappy, depressed, angry, and/or stressed. We all know how you feel because we've all been there. Almost all of us know how it feels to be insecure, how it feels to be tentative, how it feels to be rejected, and how it feels to be lied to.
I'm not diminishing your problems, but chances are that whatever your problem is, there's still something that you can do to make yourself happy whether it's addressing the problem directly, seeing a therapist, just excepting the truth from someone who cares about you, or whatever.
Oh, and for the good lord almighty above us in heaven, stop hating your parents. They yell at you because they care about you. It's not their fault that you refuse to stop not giving a shit and looking at everything like it's a catastrophe. They don't hate you, so stop saying that they do. They raised you, took care of you, pay for your shit, and support you. Give them a little more respect.
Anybody who hates their parents are harrrrrrrrrrrddddddddddcore shit.
The more unthankful, greedy, and annoying you are, the bigger your penis.