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Age 30

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What I've learned from the internet

Posted by InsertFunnyUserName - August 10th, 2008

I know there are a lot of these and I decided to make my own, seeing as it's the only thing I can think of that I haven't done this summer. So god damn bored. Anyways:

90 things I learned from the internet:
1) - Google Images is not a safe for work place to find pictures of George Washington for that school report of yours.

2) - Caps lock may be the cruise control for cool, but you still have to steer. *

3) - In an argument, all of your opponent's opinions are facts and all of your facts are opinions.

4) - Typos are justifiable reasons why your argument is null and void.

5) - America sucks.

6) - Everything is George Bush's fault, even the broken faucet on your kitchen sink.

7) - The UK sucks.

8) - Everybody has a folder on their hard drive filled with obscure fetish porn, even if they don't have said fetish.

9) - Canada sucks

10) - Girls do not takes shits.

11) - Your religion is wrong and my religion is right.

12) - All porn contains viruses. Period.

13) - Every rape victim has large boobs and the practiced and perfected ability to talk fluently in the second and third person.

14) - The word "arse" is approximately 3.4 times grander of a word than "ass."

15) - That five year old web cam picture of your left big toe is an excellent base pic for a photoshop thread.

16) - Rap sucks.

17) - Anarchy is a reasonable, manageable, and logical system of government.

18) - Rock sucks.

19) - Posting stories of the fights you've been in makes you hard core.

20) - Ska sucks.

21) - Inviting everyone on your contact list to an MSN convo will make you a liked and appreciated friend.

22) - Industrial sucks.

23) - Spamming the n word makes you hard core.

24) - Techno sucks.

25) - What Osama Bin Ladan and Madeline have in common is that we can't find either of them.

26) - Country sucks.

27) - Repeating the same overused joke over and over again will make you the coolest kid on the block. See: 25

28) - Metal sucks.

29) - Everyone in Africa has AIDS.

30) - Classical sucks.

31) - Ruining someone's life is an effective way to have a few laughs. See: KemCab/Dragon'sGrief.

32) - Grunge sucks.

33) - Girls who post pictures of themselves anywhere online will be instantly worshiped. No exceptions.

34) - Blues sucks.

35) - Claiming that something popular is bad/overrated is an easy way to be hard core.

36) - Trolling is an excellent way to raise your self esteem.

37) - Ranting will fix the problem. No exceptions.

38) - My giant wall of text is something you are expected to read.

39) - If your thread about comparing the lengths of other users' penises gets deleted, it means that the mods are nothing but a group of imbecile sadists who should all be bludgeoned to death by the nearest blunt object.

40) - Sucking cock will get you far.

41) - MySpace was not originally created for bands, but rather for 16 year old girls to post naked pictures of themselves for attention.

42) - Writing fanfiction is cool and totally socially acceptable. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a close minded faggot. See: DeviantART

43) - The rapist/dominant always has brown or black hair. No exceptions, unless they're British.

44) - Everything from Fox News is a lie.

45) - If one part of a site is bad, the rest of it is.

46) - In sex, the woman are always beautiful and the men are always hairy, unless they're submissive.

47) - Everyone who sets their age at 13 is actually under 11, even if they have proof. It's photoshopped, no exceptions.

48) - Chakra is originally from Naruto.

49) - Sex is always amazing and all it's hyped up to be.

50) - There's no such thing as a hypocrite, only a conditional believer.

51) - Anyone who is religious is obviously delusional.

52) - Anyone who is an Atheist is obviously delusional.

53) - Bumping a four month old, twenty page thread is obviously better than starting a new discussion.

54) - Every new user is an alt.

55) - The joke "I don't trust anything that bleeds for five days and doesn't die" originated from South Park.

56) - When it comes to music, opinion is fact.

57) - Everyone who doesn't find gigantic boobs attractive is gay.

58) - There is no such thing as being bisexual.

59) - A long, boring, repetitive opening post is better than a short, discussion enticing opening post.

60) - Jokes about sex are always funny. No exceptions.

61) - Bashing Dane Cook is still edgy.

62) - Making fun of Michael Jackson is still funny, even though he was proven innocent.

63) - People who watch hentai are bigger losers than people who watch real porn.

64) - Everything on limewire's video search is child porn.

65) - You will one day fuck a porn star if you masturbate to them long enough.

66) - Anyone who asks for advice is emo.

67) - Every meme originates from /b/

68) - Sometimes on a nice sunny day, you can walk down the street and find two lesbians having sex.

69) - It is appropriate to giggle every time someone mentions the number 69.

70) - All Japanese women dress in skimpy school girl uniforms.

71) - Every female cop is a trained and practiced dominatrix.

72) - Nobody likes the French.

73) - Rammstein actually does have talent, you're just not open minded enough to notice.

74) - Everyone lives in your time zone.

75) - Having a soul makes you a pussy.

76) - Every pedophile acts on their desires.

77) - Everyone's opinion makes sense, especially 9/11 conspirators.

78) - There is no such thing as having too big of a penis, even though it's more likely than not to hurt the woman.

79) - Attractive female twins are always into incest.

80) - Women are always surprised that their boyfriends have penises when they take off their pants.

81) - Macs are better than PC's

82) - The only thing you can make with MSPaint is stick figures. No exceptions.

83) - PC's are better than Macs.

84) - Bitmapping is a short cut to a great flash.

85) - Talking really fast into a mic is cruise control for comedy.

86) - The art in parody flashes can never be better than the flash they're parodying.

87) - Reading is for losers.

88) - Anyone who downs a bottle of Tylenol and then spends three hours in the emergency room chugging charcoal is automatically hard core.

89) - Mentioning that you have a girlfriend or that you have had sex automatically makes you a liar, unless you're over level 32.

90) - The outside is a dangerous place.

*courtesy of Seth


Basically a lot of think suck then?

Everything sucks and everything is great.



The UK sucks.

you speak the truth (except for 7)

Ohlol, 7 is satire.

long list is long...


Yes, long list is very long.

And hardly anything is up.

I went outside yesterday. It burned me. I felt like I was dying. It is truly a dangerous place.

See? I've learned from experience.

You've proved alot of stuff, that I thought that was right, wrong to me.


Wrada wrada?

Adarw? Adarw?


also new grounds is the best play ever!!!!!

crap meant best place ever

Nah, canada is pretty cool.
[ignore pun]

ba dum tish

This is just a big list of random thought isnt it? lol...alot of things cancel out..

Yeah, pretty much.

And they're supposed to do that.

Its funny 'cause thats what the Mongols said to me. About killing your brother and crap.

Funny how that works out.

"10) - Girls do not takes shits."

Well, then, it's nice to know that the last fourteen minutes didn't happen.


I know. Life is grand.

Well arn't you amazingz. Now that you've made this, how do you feel? Accomplished or unconditionally horrified?

A little bit of both, I'd say.


Everything is right exept 38 ;)


On 48 it is not "Cakra" it is Chakra I know now I will be labeled as nerd but I just care about proper spelling.

Thanks. I wasn't sure how to spell it.

10) Girls don't shit.


Techno sucks? lololol