What time is it, Mr. Wolf?
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Age 30
Selling heroin
Massachudfjdklasj dfl
Joined on 7/18/06
What time is it, Mr. Wolf?
Approximately 8:44.
It's 8:46
Apr. 7, 2008 | 8:44 PM
Oh yes, newgrounds believes in me.
Will I get the 200th comment?
This is 199.
Yes I will! I'm answering my own questions. You should pay me! >:(
Congratulations! This is the 200th time someone has gotten bored enough to post on my page.
Are we best buddies?! :D =D?
<3 .
Thoughts on Dragonforce?
Dragonforce makes me happy.
Congratulations! You've made it to 200th Question! What next?
201, then 202, then 203, then 204, then 205, 206, 207, 208...
Who you favourite simpsons character? Why are my pants so wide? Do you think im ever going to write a dream novel about President Bush?
Because you're wearing the Grand Canyon.
What is your ambition in life.
Man, I don't know. I guess my ambition now is to figure what the hell my ambition is.
I think zanarchy is obsessed with you. Do you agree?
Yeah, I'd say so.
Can you ask me a question?
I could. However, pretending to sing is much more fun.
La laaaaaaaaa la la la laaaaaaaaa la la la laaaaaaaaaa la la la laaaaaaaa.
Why are cats such idiots at times?
How is it fair that animals get that nice warm cozy fur and get to walk around naked and we don't?
Are you getting sick of me asking so many damn questions?
Arsenic in the cat food.
God has a sense of humor.
OMFG Are you awesome?!
Currently, I'm typing my response.
If they told you you're going to die in 1 hour, what will you do?
Take a shitload of acid.
If they told you you're going to die in 1 hour and you couldn't take a shit load of acid, what would you do?
Kill whoever was telling me that I couldn't take any acid.
Fisting midgets?
Fishing for midgets > fisting midgets.
I'm not obbessed with you, i'm obbessed with Kaitlyn. I do like you though. Alot.
<3 .
Buttsecks please?
Any time.